Our Little Gardners
The children have the opportunity to grow differents fruits and vegetables in our garden.

Strawberries, Peas, Raddish, Onions, Mint, Sage... Just a few of the things growing in the garden, come and take a look...
Here at Mad Hatters we love to grow our own fruits and vegetables. The children have the opportunity to see where their food comes from, and watch it grow from a seed to shooting pods of peas, scrumptious raddish's, or even some herbs to flavour their cooking. The children have the opportunity to take part in cooking activities each week from baking, to preparing foods for snack and tea. This allows them to gain many skills in all areas of learning such as, fine motor control, talking with friends, and problem solving.
At Mad Hatters we believe there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing! Outside play is an important part of a child’s development, and although sometimes it may be cold and damp children are still able to play outside, and enjoy playing outside.
With this is mind we have created a "Kit List" to ensure your child is prepared for all types of weather, and is able to take part in all opportunities and experiences. To make identification of the items easier it would help if you could put the child’s initials on the label or other area on the clothing. It also helps to return misplaced items a lot faster. Please do try and provide as much as possible as if clothing is not available for the conditions then your child may have to miss outdoor play. All the children have access to the outdoors environment, even our tiny ones with things such as cosy nests available.
Kit List
Winter/Spring Items Suggested
Thin Base Layer Clothing
Warm Cosy Trousers e.g. track suit bottoms
Long sleeve thin top.
Fleece Top or Wool Jumper
Wellies or Sturdy Footwear e.g. Boots
Fleece or Wool Hat
Spare Socks
Fleece Jacket with thin waterproof over coat
Remember multiple thin layers work better than single thick layers, and if the children get too hot they can take a layer off, or put another layer on if they are cold. Please ensure spare clothes are also provided, as children may become messy/wet. A bag should be provided to keep the items safe such as a rucksack. Please avoid using plastic bags as they pose health and safety issues.

Summer/Autumn Items Suggested
Sun Cream
Light Cotton Hat
Fleece Jacket or Cardigan
Thin Waterproof Over coat
Enclosed Footwear (no crocs)